Google Classroom can be used as an amazing T&L resource once it's set up correctly...Here are our top 5 hints and tips, covering Google Classroom features that every teacher should be using!

  1. Get organised with 'Topics'

Use 'Topics' to section off classwork, resources and assessment areas in your Google Classroom. Keeping things organised will help your students find everything they need! To make a 'Topic' click the + create button then select topic. You can click and drag topics into a certain order on the classwork tab. Some topics might only include material, where as others could include assignments.

Assessment Features in Google Classroom.webm

2. Use the Assessment Features

Use the 'ask a question' feature for different types of assessment, including peer and self. Create rubrics to mark student assignments against and track grades using the student gradebook. There's lots of tools you can use! Take
a look at the tutorial linked below:

Assessment Features Tutorial

3. Assignment or Material?

What's the difference? An assignment is something you allocate to students to complete and upload evidence to. Assignments are visible in your GC gradebook and can be awarded points/marks. Materials are things you upload to GC that you want students to see or read, such as help sheets and tutorial videos. Materials do not appear in your GC gradebook and students won't be required to submit anything.

4. Master Classrooms (Faculties)

If you're MYP or subject lead, make a 'Master Classroom' for the year group and upload your project materials into that. Invite all teachers of that year group to the Master Classroom so that they can use the 'Reuse Post' option to easily copy across assignments, materials and questions to their own classrooms in the same way that you have structured it. This keeps everything consistent.

5. Streamline the 'Stream'

In your Google Classroom settings, you can stream line what appears in the Stream by turning off automatic notifications of assignment postings. This enables you to use the stream for messages, such as lesson by lesson descriptions of tasks and homeworks. Students are then forced to learn to use the Classwork tab to access their assignments and see due dates etc.