Four interesting starter activities for students to complete whilst you take the register! Easily adaptable for any year group and subject! Ensure pupils are engaged and focused on entrance while recapping on previous lesson knowledge.

  1. Keyword Scrabble

Students must figure out each of the keywords by answering the clues and matching the letters to the total number of points. This activity is a great way to check student understanding and correct spellings.


2. Knowledge Wheel

Students have to get from A-B by answering the questions correctly. However, if they want to get the most points, the must take the long route around, answering the more difficult coloured questions. This method gives students a choice and is differentiated for different levels of ability.


3. Target Practice

Using 3 darts, students must select 3 questions to answer to try to get the most points. Question difficulty varies based on the number of points each colour is worth. Again, this method gives students a choice and is differentiated for different levels of ability.


4. Vocab Snap

Students have 2 minutes to match the vocabulary word to its definition. Using a mini whiteboard they can write, 5E…1C etc. This is a great way of embedding keywords and literacy easily.