Zoom can be used in lots of creative ways! Here are 4 new ideas that you can try out during your next Zoom lesson... useful for every subject and year group within the school curriculum!

  1. Breakout Room Choice

Create a Google Slide with 4 different breakout room options. Show it to students & ask them to put their room number preference in the Zoom chat. You can manually assign students to their chosen room:

Room 1 = Teacher Help Room
Room 2 = Chatty Group Room
Room 3 = Quiet Group Room
Room 4 = Solo Room

2. Student Name Change

In Zoom, if you hover over a student name in the 'participants' list, you can rename them. After a quiz starter, you could crown the winning student with a subject specific title like 'The Graphic Guru' or 'Lord of the Code' for the duration of the lesson.... Students love having a fun new title that everyone has to refer to them by!

3. Background Traffic Lights

Drop a link to these traffic light backgrounds into your Google Classroom Stream & ask students to download them. During an MYP activity ask them to switch their virtual background to one of the traffic light colours to visually show a self-assessment of their understanding of the task!


4. Secret Mission

Use the Zoom chat to send messages to individual students. At the start of the lesson, you can assign one student a 'secret mission'. This is extremely useful for IN students who struggle to focus. Here are some mission examples:

1. At the end of the lesson, I'd like you to give 'Student X' feedback about their classwork.

2. Today's lesson keyword is 'Form' - tally chart how many times it's mentioned during the lesson.

3. Today you'll be team teaching! Whenever anyone in the class uses the hand-up button, use the Zoom chat to support them with their learning.